Each of us can be leaders in the way we choose to live our lives and act in our communities. I’m a true believer in leadership based on love, which is counter to the leadership of domination and control that is all too common in our world.

My Mission: Embody Peace & Cultivate Joy
As a peace educator and mindfulness practitioner, I help individuals and organizations integrate peace education into their work. Innovating and facilitating learning experiences that motivate action for a loving and just world is my contribution towards a global culture of peace.
My areas of expertise include: sustainability, nonviolence, yoga, mindfulness, leadership, service learning, higher education, online learning and teacher professional development. What I offer is deeply inspired by the transformative work of teachers I’ve studied with: Joanna Macy, Meg Wheatley, and Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.
I Aim to Inspire & Empower Others
I became an ordained member of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing in September 2017 (my Dharma name, True Earth Dwelling, really makes my heart sing). I’m a Paul D. Coverdell Fellow at Pacifica Graduate Institute, where I’m working towards a PhD in Community, Liberation and Ecopsychology. I’m also a certified yoga teacher (500 hours) and the co-founder of Love-Based Leadership Collective.
I can’t imagine life without music! I’m a singer, not to mention a big-time fan of Nahko and Medicine for the People, Rising Appalachia and Trevor Hall. Most wonderfully: I’m a new mama to an amazing human being, Daphne.