

Creating peace goes beyond study—it’s how we choose to be and act in the world. So let’s feel empowered by our ability to make change, however big or small our contributions might be. Here's a few thoughts to keep you going.

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Lit Review Ponderings

“Read the page, looking for any sentences, paragraphs, or excerpts relevant to the concept you are investigating that are claims or findings about the concept or that state what its components are. Read quickly. You are not reading for deep meaning. You are not reading...

Mother’s Day 2020: An Ode to Past Lives

Mother’s Day 2020 was like most days during the pandemic: it was a hard day and a good day. For Mother’s Day, I reclaimed a little piece of myself. I went for a bike ride. It had been almost three years since I’d ridden my bike....

Meditating in the time of coronavirus

When the global pandemic struck, like many people I felt overwhelmed, and felt very grateful to my mindfulness practice for giving me some tools to deal with the challenges of these times. I took what I was feeling and wrote a little guided meditation, which...


New Decade, New Year, New Chapter “The journey begins hereWith whatever is capturing your attention…Whatever your focus, Give your whole being.”-Radiance Sutras, Yukti Verses (10) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157607519735856&set=a.10150627044620856&type=3&theater I write as we begin a new year, new decade, and I begin, quite literally, a new chapter. On Monday, January 13th, 2020,...