

Creating peace goes beyond study—it’s how we choose to be and act in the world. So let’s feel empowered by our ability to make change, however big or small our contributions might be. Here's a few thoughts to keep you going.

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Breaking (a meditation on motherhood)

https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvh60euHbwfqrYQvOz5bK-hv9Jt9kSMimVrS080/ Motherhood is a constant extending of the boundaries of the self, a constant process of becoming someone else. To paraphrase the poet Andrea Gibson (who was talking about their dog, Squash), it’s having your heart walk around outside your body. It’s a constant breaking down....

On “Work” and Motherhood

The following post/rant feels incomplete, but I am posting it in its incompleteness and imperfections as something I need to get off my chest and something I need to say. Right now I am a full-time mom and full-time doctoral student, doing consulting and online teaching...

My Life In Water

My Life in Water: An Ecopsychological AutobiographyAs I approach the end of my doctoral coursework, I am going over old papers and I found this one that I really loved as I read it with fresh eyes. It was written in 2017 during my first...

An Ode to My 30s

Dear 30s (April 24, 2009-April 23, 2019), You were the best of times and worst of times (and maybe that’s true of all times). You were more about taking things - life - more seriously. I dedicated my life to peace. I studied it deeply and...

“Logic” Model

Recently for a class assignment, I had to complete a personal/professional logic model. I found the model difficult to complete for a few reasons. My life has not necessarily been "logical." In hindsight, all of the steps make sense, but at the time, I would have...