
On “Work” and Motherhood

The following post/rant feels incomplete, but I am posting it in its incompleteness and imperfections as something I need to get off my chest and something I need to say. Right now I am a full-time mom and full-time doctoral student, doing consulting and online teaching...

Sitting just to sit (An ode to mornings, part 2) This morning I got to sit. My teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, talks about the pleasure and joy of sitting just to sit. And I don’t think I fully understood this until I became a mother. Or maybe I just appreciate it now on a whole new...

I heart books (books I love)

A few of my favorite books and authors - just seeing this stack makes my heart smile! “A book is a heart that only beats in the chest of another.” - Rebecca Solnit, The Faraway Nearby Books are one of my favorite parts of life, my most...

Inspiration: A running list

One of my favorite roles is that of curator. Here are words and people that keep me inspired on a daily basis (a non-exhaustive list I will continue to update). I highly recommend going to the sources and reading them more fully! On Love "My work is...